
You are probably wondering why, in 2021, someone would start a brand new blog from scratch. Am I really that out of touch? Have I not realized that the craze of blogs has passed and moved on to YouTube channels and Instagram accounts? I missed the boat and don't even realize it. Or maybe I'm like the that guy you see in movies. You know the type. He's in his mid to late thirties and still wears his high school letterman jacket. He's usually a little pathetic and hangs out at the local bar refusing to progress with the times. He knows things aren't how they used to be but refuses to move on. Not to completely dismiss blogs by comparing them to a 15 year old letterman jacket but it seems like blogs only exist now to compliment someone's broader social media presence instead of as a stand alone project.

I don't know if anyone still reads blogs. I am aware that they are not as popular as they used to be when I was in high school, but I couldn't afford a website then and I can now. So here we are. In all seriousness, I would assume that anyone with a YouTube channel now, an Instagram account promoting the food they eat or the cities they travel to, or a streaming channel in which they play video games live for their community to join all have the end goal of monetization. Anyone who is making money online by creating content falls into one of those categories, if not all three. And there are probably more that I am not considering. The reason I am starting a blog instead of a YouTube channel is because I have no interest in monetizing this. I'm not looking for sponsorships or that sweet sought-after ad revenue. This is just a hobby.

I have fallen victim to the self improvement mania popularized by the likes of Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan, and believe I can provide some value to the internet. I read a lot of books on productivity, mindset, and efficiency. I experiment with different diets, exercise regimens, and  life hacks to live a more fulfilled life - a journey that I will likely be on for years. Now, to completely dismiss everything I just said, this is not a self improvement blog. On this site, I will tell stories and share experiences of all kinds. I just happen to consume a lot of self improvement media. I might fuck around and make a blog post on why Quentin Tarantino is my favorite director one day. I am also a high school history teacher, a boyfriend, son, brother, and will write about all of these things.

Consider subscribing if you are interested in seeing my writing become better (fingers crossed) or are interested in why Keto is the best/worst diet I have ever followed. I'll be posting every Monday for now. If that proves too inconvenient I may switch the day. I'm learning as I go and will make adjustments as I see fit. I appreciate you reading all the way to the end, and don't forget to contact me. You can find all my info in the 'Contact" tab on the top of this page.

Until next time.