Book Review | Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

I have always enjoyed writing. Even as a kid, whenever I was assigned school work that required journaling, writing an essay, or even research papers, I was all about it. In 2016, I purchased a journal and began writing in it regularly. To say journaling has been beneficial would be an understatement. It gave me an excuse to write that wasn't assigned by a teacher. Naturally, when I discovered blogs, I was intrigued. I enjoyed writing about prompts and topics that were assigned to me and writing in my journal for myself was a great passion of mine, but writing for an audience was a little scary. I subscribed to a few blogs, but put the idea of creating my own in the back of my mind. Other life-events took precedence and I kind of just...forgot about it. That is until I read Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.

If you are like me, you take it as a point of pride that you don't have a huge online presence. "I'm out living my life. Not posting things on the internet for others to see," I used to think. I enjoyed the thought of an old friend or acquaintance finding my Instagram account only to find my last post was 4 months old. The truth is, I didn't think I had anything worth posting. This supposed life I was out living was as routine as they come. I go to work, try to exercise a few times a week, read as much as I can, see my girlfriend as much as time permits, and hang out with friends on the weekend. Why would I post any of that? Austin Kleon changed my view on social media. Having an active internet presence is similar to having a public resume. The book talks about the importance of opening your life for others to see. Not to boast about the vehicle you drive or to show off how many beaches you visit in a year, but to show people what you are passionate about. When a possible employer, romantic partner, or potential mentor type your name into Google, what do you want them to see? A picture of you standing in front of a Christmas tree six months ago, or information on what your hobbies, and passions are? What are you working on? What are you currently a beginner in? What do you and your friends do for fun? Kleon believes that people want a look behind the curtain. Showing people what your interests are provide you with insight to different fields and opportunities. People who are knowledgeable in whatever it is you are doing may reach out to provide advice. Not to mention the benefits it brings to creators.

Whether you have a YouTube or a Twitch channel, you are a painter, a musician, or a baker, the best way to make people aware of your product or service is through self promotion online. This book gives advice on how to promote yourself without the vanity that often accompanies promoting yourself. Showing your work means giving people a look behind the curtain in order to build mutually fruitful connections and relationships with people who otherwise would pass by your life like a breeze outside your window.

The message from this book is one that I resonate with. It is a short book that you can easily read in one sitting, although I recommend taking your time with it in order to allow the lessons to be processed. This book is the reason I finally started a blog so it felt right that it be my first book review.

My Rating: ★★★★★
Get the book here | Austin Kleon